Vortex KV5006 Sprayliner System, Vortex Granitex GTX 8003 Floor Coating System, Werkmaster Cobra, The Edge & Scarab Floor Machines, Husqavarna S26 Vacuum, 9.7KW Honda Generator Etc
Dumbells, Weight Vests, Aquatraining Bags, Balance Balls, Kettle Bells, Medicine Balls, Nu Bell Barbell Set, Sand Bags, Weight Sleds, Adjustable Benches, LifeStream LS-ABX Air Bikes
3x New Canon Mark5 IV & Nikon DSLR Cameras,
Viewing: Tuesday, August 22nd 9:30am to 4:30pm
Wednesday, August 23rd 9:30am to 4:30pm
First Lot Closes: Thursday, August 24th
Following the Restaurant Portion